Thursday 1 September 2016

Hello I'm back with a very special offer - 10% off!!

Well, that was a longer break than I intended to take! Cannot believe its been over a year. My demonstratorship lapsed and life just got in the way. However, I am now back again and determined to make a go of my little Stampin Up business. To those loyal followers who are still out there, thank so much for your continued support. Hoping I can now pick up lots of new loyal followers and that you will enjoy seeing my crafty makes. 
Today is a great day for me to re-launch my blog as this is the day that the new Stampin Up Autumn Winter 2016 catalogue goes live. There are so many wonderful new items in this catalogue - I've been having great fun making items to show you in the coming weeks. It might seem early to start talking about Christmas but as the big day is only 16 weeks away, now would be a great time to start thinking about Christmas cards and the new catalogue will provide you with loads of inspiration for these. Just click here to view a PDF version of the catalogue or click here  to request a paper copy and I'll pop one in the post to you, absolutely free!  

If you would like to get your hands on any of these fabulous products, this link here will take you straight through to my online shop. And if you need any further encouragement, for September only I have a very special offer for you - 10% off any order. If you would like to take advantage of this offer then please contact me via email and do not order online, as this offer is from me and not Stampin Up.

I will be back very soon to showcase the makes I've made using products from the catalogue but just as a teaser here is a sneaky peek at one of the projects I'll be showing you later this week.

 Will be back soon,
